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Happy, safe, free ... at last!!
Happy, veilig, vrij ... eindelijk!
Let op! Voor de Nederlandstalige lezers staat onder bijna ieder verhaal een link naar de Nederlandse tekst. Veel leesplezier!
This site tells you the stories of animals:
Farm animals, saved from the horrific conditions of factory farming/slaughter, animals bred for their fur or for rituals like bull fighting, show animals like killer whales.
Through these stories we aim to give you a glimpse of the lives these animals are forced to live in their hidden world. Only when you see an animal free and in its' natural
environment, you discover their physical and psychological needs and
realise what factory farming really does to them.
We are a network of individuals and organisations*, who are concerned about animal welfare and who want to share our experiences with the world.
Please do not close your eyes this time for what happens behind those doors.
And if you don't have much time just read the heartwarming, true life stories about our ambassadors.
To contact us please send a mail to nala85480@hotmail.com
NB The aim of this site is not to show you horrific films or images of factory farming, even though there are plenty available for you to see. Under each link you will find official/scientific reports, unless mentioned otherwise.
* Farm Sanctuary (USA), Eyes on animals (the Netherlands), The Farm Animal Sanctuary (UK), EVA (Belgium), Animal Equality (Spain), Ferme des Animaux Sauvés de la Mort (France), Familie Bofkont (the Netherlands), Sauvons un taureau de corrida (France), Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary (USA), Green Meadow Animal Sanctuary (UK), Koeienrusthuis (Friesland), ....
Letter to all heads of States and their governments about pandemics and the consumption of animal products
7 associations* have taken the initiative to send an unusual letter (listen to the video below) to heads of state and organisations like the EU, UN, etc., asking them to take their responsibility to prevent pandemics in the future by implementing some ambitious measures: in the long run, we must stop the consumption of animals and their products. At the moment, we are doing everything we can to fight the COVID-19 virus, but we must never forget where the virus actually comes from. There is little doubt that it comes from the consumption and sale of wild animals. COVID-19 is not the first pandemic. The largest was in 1918, when more than 50 million men, women and children died (almost the current population of France!) as a result of swine fever that also became transmissible from human to human through mutations. Hopefully we will not reach such a catastrophic number this time with the COVID-19 pandemic. But we are convinced that if we don't change our behaviour towards animals, there is a good chance that other pandemics will emerge. Scientists have been warning us for a long time. It is a call for drastic change in our society. We realise that but we think it is necessary. We invite other associations and organisations around the world to join us. Please sign and share the petition "Avian Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, COVID-19 Meat Kills" by clicking on the button below if you support this initiative.
*The associations who took this initiative are :
Eyes on Animals https://www.eyesonanimals.com/, Vivre et Laisser Vivre https://www.facebook.com/chaminous/ ,
LUNA https://www.facebook.com/LigueUnivers... ,
L'Arche de Maddy https://www.facebook.com/larchedemaddy/ ,
Sanctuaire La Garie https://www.lagarie.fr/ ,
NALA85480 http://www.nosamislesanimaux.com/ and
Forests From Farms http://forestsfromfarms.org/