A second life for Plof

(de Nederlandse versie van het hele levensverhaal van Plof is hier te lezen)

Once upon a time there was a broiler chick called Plof. She was found in a parking lot in the Netherlands. She had probably fallen out of a truck on her way to the slaughterhouse. A friendly man found her, took her home and cared for her. For 4 months he and his familiy gave Plof a new home and wonderful second life.

Plof was very chubby when she was found and could not stand on her legs. Broilers are bred to grow fast into heavy animals with all the negative consequences that that entails. So the vet advised  feeding her a fatfree diet of mixed grains and gradually getting her used to fruit and vegetables. Chopped apple, carrots and chicory soon became her favorites. Her new owner added extra vitamins and minerals to the veggies and soon miserable little Plof turned into a lively and strong animal, that found her way to the garden very quickly.

In the beginning, there were some quarrels between Plof and the other chickens of the family, the Sebrights. Frits the Sebright cockerel constantly attacked her and the ladies gave him a hand. Plof was a lot bigger than the Sebrights, but she was very scared and couldn't defend herself. She froze and curled up instead. So the Sebrights were put in Plof's nighthouse, which was unfamiliar territory for them. This unsettled them and brought them down to size. A few days later, the fighting was over and the whole flock was happily roaming around the garden.

Life was good for Plof. And it became even better when the family decided to buy a group of Dutch bantams, a cockerel and two hens. And that's when Plof fell in love with the new cockerel. He pointed out the grains to her and she quickly pecked them up. They
often dustbathed in the sun together,  joined by the other Dutch bantams and the Sebrights.  She slept on the top perch and when it was feeding time she was always first. Plof had also become very tame. When there was digging in the garden she would steal worms from underneath the spade. And when her owner decided to have a break from the hard work, she stood next to him or, preferably, on his shoe. And so the family enjoyed the company of this beautiful, happy creature to the fullest.

But like any other broiler Plof's life was short. She died of a heart attack. Her
heart was far too small and too weak for her excessive body. After her death Plof left a void in the family. They missed their special pet, a great animal with its own wonderful character.

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